Vörunúmer: SEXSW-IEM EK(C)
A professional IEM receiver is unnoticeable most of the time, but becomes a powerful tool with just a few clicks. That is the DNA of the lightweight XS Wireless IEM bodypack. You can easily expand any XS Wireless IEM setup by connecting additional receivers to your transmitter.
55.900 kr.
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With XS Wireless IEM, you can easily link additional receivers to one transmitter – connecting more band members to a new level of detail. The lightweight bodypack remains unnoticed once clipped on your clothing or belt. You can plug in the included IE 4 in-ear monitors or upgrade to the IE PRO series with the 3.5 mm output. The status LED shows battery and link status at a glance – while the high contrast front panel allows for individual fine-tuning, from balance to focus modes to EQ to Limiter, so you can design your individual mix.

  • UHF bodypack receiver to expand existing XS Wireless IEM setups

  • Lightweight bodypack with rear clamp and stage-proof control panel

  • Standard 3.5 mm jack plug for supplied IE 4 in-ear monitors or optional in-ear sets

  • Backlit front panel and status LED for battery and link status

  • Menu access to receiver sound settings like focus modes, volume control, limiter, and EQ

  • Pan control for individual balance of the input channels

  • Operates with 2x AA primary cells or rechargeable batteries

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